Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Objects' World: design-driven development of large-scale smart spaces

The goal of this project is to develop an innovative communication technology, allowing the emergence of a new economic sector for large-scale smart spaces. Our objective is to propose concepts and tools for developing reliable applications orchestrating large-scale smart spaces of networked entities. The industrial partners of the Objects' World project will provide us with real-size case studies in various application domains (e.g., smart cities, tracking of vehicles, healthcare, energy management).

This work is funded by the OSEO national agency.

SERUS: Software Engineering for Resilient Ubiquitous Systems

The objectives of this project is to propose a design-driven development methodology for resilient systems that takes into account dependability concerns in the early stages, ensures the traceability of these requirements throughout the system life-cycle, even during runtime evolution. To provide a high level of support, this methodology will rely on a design paradigm dedicated to sense/compute/control applications. This design will be enriched with dependability requirements and used to provide support throughout the system life-cycle. This project is in collaboration with the TSF-LAAS research group (CNRS, Toulouse) and the ADAM research project-team (Inria Lille Nord Europe).

This work is funded by the Inria collaboration program (in French, “actions de recherches collaboratives”).

School Inclusion for Children with Autism

The objective of this project is to provide children with assistive technologies dedicated to the school routines. This project is in collaboration with the “Handicap et Système Nerveux” research group (EA 4136, Bordeaux University), the PsyCLÉ research center (EA 3273, Provence Aix-Marseille University) and the “Parole et Langage” research laboratory (CNRS, Provence Aix-Marseille University).

This work is funded by the French Ministry of National Education.